Step one: Pick up a few educational toys, such as stackable rings, a baby book and blocks.
Step two: Arrange the toys on the freshly vacuumed carpet (what? I did vacuum… ahem… sometime last week…) and sit the baby beside the toys. No doubt that being the genius he is will entertain himself for hours.
Step three: Start making piles of clothes and check them against your “Travel packing list”.
Step four: Two minutes later, take the printed “Travel packing list” out of the baby’s mouth. Comfort the crying baby who did enjoy chewing on the list and wants it back in his mouth right now.
Step five: Put underwear and socks in a plastic bag, and head to the adjacent bathroom to grab the toiletry bag.
Step six: Turn around to discover the baby somehow crawled to the neatly arranged pile of clothes which aren’t neatly arranged anymore but scattered everywhere.
Step seven: Put baby back to a sitting position beside the great educational toys.
Step eight: Baby is obviously more interested in grabbing GAP plastic bags than arranging the rings by size (but that’s what the baby on the toy box was doing! And he colour-coded them too!)
Step nine: Fuck it. The baby can well chew on my socks if it can keep him busy.
Step ten: The baby is chewing on my socks. Four other pairs are scattered all over the floor and I’m not even attempting to put them in my backpack until Mark is done working on them.
I packed everything we need for the trip… I think?

The carpet looks perfect! We can never get our floors cleaned for more than a few minutes before our naughty dog spreads something or other all over them. What do you mean he can’t colour code the baby rings?! How old is he? Three, four?!!!! Poor Mark and poor you. have a great trip!
The dust on the carpet doesn’t shoz in the pics 🙂
I love Mark’s expression on the second last picture 🙂 Have a great trip, flying with a baby is not fun. I remember the trouble I gave my parents as a kid (to be fair, I had an ear ache).
Well, it actually turned out okay!
Je crois que Mark est le préposé aux chaussettes 😀
Ah c’est ça!!!