Alabama… Florida… Ohio… Pennsylvania… New York, New York… California… Where are these folks going?
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New York Had Sandy, We Have “Hurricane Mark”
Every time I step out of the house, I’m surprise to see that somehow, the world is still spinning.
10 Things That Surprised Me in New York City
The best things about traveling is being able to challenge stereotypes and see a place with your own eyes.
Syracuse, New York State, and the Drive Back to Ottawa
The morning we left New York City, the temperature had dropped and it was pouring rain. We took it as a sign: time to head home! I had no regrets: we visited everything we wanted to see and had a blast. Of course, it’s always tempting to hang around but I learned that when traveling, it’s better not to overstay—take the best and leave the boring routine to the locals. Otherwise, lovely places can show their ugly side and ruin travel memories.
In New York City’s Subway System
Since we had decided to stay in Long Island, where hotels are cheaper and where we could park the car for free, we had to rely on NYC’s subway system to get to and around Manhattan. That didn’t scare me: I love public transportation systems, and it beats driving in a congested city.
New York City – Little Italy and Chinatown
Chinatown in Manhattan is huge. It sprawls from Grand Street to Allen Street, and from Worth Street to Lafayette Street. It is both a residential and a commercial area: green-grocers, fishmongers, restaurants, banks, jewellery shops and bakeries are clustered around Mott Street and Canal Street, and some quieter streets have apartment buildings.