I can’t stand these last few days when it’s almost over but not quite yet. I don’t know who I am anymore, nor where I belong or where I want to be.

The weather is changing. In France, fall comes as fast as spring is slow to show up in Canada. I leave the morning in shorts, change to jeans, grab a jacket and change to shorts again. It’s sunny then the next minute it’s raining.

I’m happy and then I’m sad, I’m hopeful and I’m scared. I can’t find comfort.

Life is a blank page and I’m writing the story. The metaphor should be motivating and inspirational but I have too many scenarios in mind.

Yeah, I feel a bit lost.

Rue Lambert, Nantes
Butte Saint Anne, Nantes
Butte Saint Anne, Nantes
Butte Saint Anne, Nantes
Butte Saint Anne, Nantes
Butte Saint Anne, Nantes
Butte Saint Anne, Nantes
Butte Saint Anne, Nantes
Chantenay, Nantes
Chantenay, Nantes
Chantenay, Nantes
Zola, Nantes
Zola, Nantes
Zola, Nantes
Cours Saint-Pierre, Nantes
Around Rue du Coudray, Nantes
Around Rue du Maréchal Joffre
Passerelle Victor-Schoelcher
Boulevard Gaston Doumergue, Nantes
Boulevard Gaston Doumergue, Nantes
Pont Éric Tabarly, Nantes
Boulevard de Sarrebruck, Nantes
Locks on the Erdre River, Nantes
Erdre River
Erdre River
Along the Erdre River
Along the Erdre River
Along the Erdre River
Along the Erdre River
Along the Erdre River
Along the Erdre River

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I literally don't have the time to write ten stories a day.

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  1. Isa August 28, 2018 at 8:07 am

    You described the breton climate to me! Here we have some gorgeous days, it sure is more chilly (thank god, though) but that’s my favorite month of the year. September is always odd, though. You’re in between everything…

    1. Zhu August 28, 2018 at 6:45 pm

      Weather does change very fast close to the Atlantic Ocean. And as I’m typing this, I’ve just rushed home because it was starting to pour…!


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