It’s hot.
We drink water, splash water on ourselves whenever we get the chance, sweat like crazy, and try to hang out or walk by the river or the seaside to cool off.
It’s really hot. Apparently many cities around the world are experiencing all-time-high temperatures, which basically means that if we were in a Hollywood movie, we’d be all dead or dealing with a major eco-disaster by now.
Okay, I must admit it’s even too hot for me. I’m happy when it’s around 30⁰C but even I find it hard to deal with 35⁰C or more at night if I’m not right on a tropical beach, feet in the water.
“It’s not gonna last,” people predict. “This is the last day of the heat wave.”
“I’ve heard it was going to be even hotter tomorrow,” other people whisper.
We’re all waiting for l’orage, one of these big thunderstorms to bring the temperature down.
Nantes hoping for rain, that’s unusual!
We spend the day walking along the Loire River and the Île de Nantes. At least, it was a bit breezier. In most of the downtown core, it’s stuffy and it feels like moving through in a hot-air mass.