This winter just doesn’t want to die. It’s awful.

On March 22, we woke up to yet another snow storm. Fifteen centimetres of heavy wet snow. I thought I was going to cry.

But I didn’t.

Instead, I put my boots on and worked on shovelling the driveway. Mark came to help out. “As soon as we clean this up,” I promised, “we can walk to Tim Hortons and I will get you a donut.”

Thirty minutes later, we were done and Mark had eaten about a pound of snow. We walked to the Tim Hortons at the end of the street and had coffee and donuts. That’s my boy—a strong toddler who can walk a few blocks in a blizzard, holding my hand! We don’t even have to take the stroller anymore—which is great, because I don’t think I can push it in the snow—Mark can walk all by himself, like a big boy. This kid is more Canadian than I am.

Sorry, proud mommy moment.

The winter weather is affecting everyone here, especially those who didn’t get the chance to escape somewhere warm like we did. Sure, snowy landscapes are pretty… but think of the logistics of driving snowy roads, walking on unshoveled sidewalks and having to clear the driveway like we did today!

I want to be able to go out without freezing and finally wear sandals again.

Come on, spring! Get your ass over here!

Snow on March 22
Snow on March 22
Bribing Mark to Help
Bribing Mark to Help
Is it me or Mark looks like Gandalf?
Is it me or Mark looks like Gandalf?
Shoveling Snow
Shoveling Snow
Shoveling Snow
Shoveling Snow
And Yes, Eating Snow
And Yes, Eating Snow
Mark At Work
Playing in Snow

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  1. La Madame March 24, 2014 at 9:38 am

    Pour essayer de rester positif, il faut se dire que Mark sera trop fort en maniement de la pelle! 😀

    Aller bon courage, je voudrais pas être à votre place… bisous 🙂

    1. Zhu March 24, 2014 at 12:49 pm

      Mouais, ça sera un vrai Canadien!

  2. Lily March 24, 2014 at 11:51 am

    Yeah… I just can’t believe how much snow we still have and we’re at the end of March.

    At least there is some sun. But I’m really starting to ache for outdoor activities. This is way too long!!!

    1. Zhu March 24, 2014 at 12:49 pm

      Same here! At least I don’t spend money on a new spring wardrobe 😆

  3. Cynthia March 25, 2014 at 12:07 pm

    No the best week to travel to Canada, I guess that’s why my ticket was so cheap!

    1. Zhu March 25, 2014 at 10:56 pm

      Must have been that! Okay, bring spring with you, would you?


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