The sky is orange, the moon is red, the air is thick and the whole city smells like a bonfire—no s’mores on the menu.
Browsing Category Winter (and Extreme Weather) in Canada
Yes, it’s cold. Yes, we like to brag about it.
Looks Like I Lost The Sprint Race Against Winter
Snowfall is hard to accurately predict and the potential resulting mess is also an educated guess.
The Surprising Hidden Meaning of Walkway Mats in Canada
The red carpet is rolled out for A-list celebrities in other parts of the world. In Canada, we use grey mats to deal with a special kind of party crasher—snow.
Hiding From A “Derecho”, My New Extreme Weather Experience
It wasn’t a storm or a tornado but a rare “derecho”. Never underestimate weather conditions in Canada, a land of extreme weather.
Winter, 5:30 p.m. – I’m Sorry But It’s Starting, Ottawa…
Everything looks different and it’s going to be like this for the next few months. I took these pictures last night, on my way to the supermarket. See what I’m talking about?
10 Signs It’s the Middle of Summer in Ottawa
COVID-19 is disrupting everything but it has yet to infect and affect weather patterns—that would be the other threat, global warming, but I can only deal with one major disaster at the time.