Flair Airlines F8 2300 from Ottawa to Cancún left an hour late but it arrived early—go figure. 

Just as well, though, because it was a very uncomfortable flight.

In case you were wondering, we’re not participating in The Amazing Race challenge and we didn’t book three separate flights for shits and giggles. Air Canada does have a direct from Toronto but tickets are so expensive now that we had to find a plan B.

The first part of plan B was flying to Cancún with Flair Airlines, one of the cheapest ways to leave Canada. We did fly with Flair last year to spend a few weeks in Mexico and it wasn’t such a terrible experience. Now, it’s barebone travel at its finest. In a way, it reminds me of Central American chicken buses except riding a revamped school bus is more fun.

On top of the “be warned!” list is Flair’s money-grab baggage allowance because this is the first time I have seen an airline charging for carry-ons (and measuring them). And yes, we managed to avoid extra charges, phew. Once on board, we were reminded that “there would be no entertainment.” No shit, there are no personal entertainment systems. I was more concerned about the seats themselves—zero padding and permanently locked upright, which is pretty sadistic for a five-hour late-night flight. The last annoyance was that all lights were turned on and a very loud announcement played every time the seatbelt sign was on which meant that anyone who had managed to fall asleep was instantly jolted awake.

I think we were all relieved when we landed at 11:40 p.m.

Going through immigration and grabbing the checked luggage took about an hour. We had booked a hotel close to the airport for the night but check-in was super slow so it was 1:30 a.m. by the time we got the key card.

Now what?

Taking a shower, eating, and marvelling at the warm temperature.

Food was our main issue for this two-day three-flight trip. None of the low-cost airlines provided meals and we knew we would have zero options late at night. I’m a one-meal-day kind of person but at one point, I do have to eat. So before leaving, we had cleared the pantry and fridge, packing anything that could be turned into the best “thrown together” dinner. And this is why, at 3 a.m., we were boiling water in the coffee maker to hopefully make delicious instant noodles. I had a couple of packs of the A Kuan sesame paste noodles (not a sponsored link, just for reference!) and they turned out amazing. I topped them off with dry seaweed (easy to pack). Do yourself a favour, if you like instant noodles, go to an Asian store for a great selection of non-fried noodles—much tastier and healthier than a cup of Mr. Noodle!

It was a short night. The next morning, we made sandwiches—I had packed the leftover bread we had at home and Feng stole butter from the hotel breakfast, great teamwork—and we took the shuttle to the airport.

The Aeropuerto Internacional de Cancún was crowded and very chaotic. Terminal 2 was full of hungover travellers repacking suitcases to presumably meet their low-cost airline’s baggage policy. We got the boarding passes and waited for our 4:30 p.m. flight at the park in front of the airport.

Next up, Lima, Peru… and then Brazil. We’ll get there!

Flair Airlines F8 2300 from Ottawa to Cancún
Flair Airlines F8 2300 from Ottawa to Cancún
Flair Airlines F8 2300 from Ottawa to Cancún
Flair Airlines F8 2300 from Ottawa to Cancún
3 a.m. at the hotel in Cancún
3 a.m. at the hotel in Cancún
3 a.m. at the hotel in Cancún, the noodle hack
3 a.m. at the hotel in Cancún, the noodle hack
3 a.m. at the hotel in Cancún
3 a.m. at the hotel in Cancún
3 a.m. at the hotel in Cancún, the noodle hack
3 a.m. at the hotel in Cancún, the noodle hack
Leaving to Cancún airport the next morning
Leaving to Cancún airport the next morning
Leaving to Cancún airport the next morning
Leaving to Cancún airport the next morning
Aeropuerto Internacional de Cancún
Aeropuerto Internacional de Cancún
Aeropuerto Internacional de Cancún
Aeropuerto Internacional de Cancún

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  1. Martin Penwald December 19, 2023 at 10:57 pm

    Have you ever visited Peru ?

    1. Zhu December 19, 2023 at 11:20 pm

      Yes, we did. The last time was with Mark in 2019 and Feng and I have been there a few times (two? Three?) before that.

  2. Christiane December 20, 2023 at 6:48 am

    Noodles for the win! Love it 🙂
    Aww look at Mark with his bag, so grown up 🙂

  3. Kiky December 21, 2023 at 8:26 am

    Hahahahahah! Instant noodle! Sooo Indonesian!
    Here, the Best brand is Indomie!

    1. Zhu December 21, 2023 at 11:42 pm

      So Chinese too!

      I have to taste an Indonesian brand 🙂


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