
Gill, also known as That British Woman, originally from a small 2,000-person town in Cumbria, Britain, decided to move to Canada, looking for a better future for their children. In 1989, they settled in Brampton, Ontario. The city of 200,000 people surprised them and she later declared the experience had been an eye-opener.

Their children grew up, went to university and left home. By the fall of 2008, Gill and her husband decided to move back to the country—but they did stay in Canada. They now live an hour from Brampton, in a farmhouse on five acres of land. Gill knows the best of both worlds, as a city girl who also enjoys small farming communities and she explains that living the country dream again is like an adventure for her.

Gil enjoys talking about life in Canada from a British point of view. She writes a weekly column for the Orangeville Banner about her adoptive country and tackles topics such as British or Canadian, Charity Begins At Home and Lead Feet.

What brought you to Canada?

We lived in a small community where the main employer was British Gypsum, they made drywall. The mines were due to close by the time my husband turned around 40, and for him to get as good a job it meant we had to move from the area. Also, we knew the career prospects for our children were going to be limited where we lived, so we decided to emigrate while the kids were little and while we were still young enough to do it.

Did you find the immigration process difficult?

YES!! We filled out the paperwork and sent it in and we were rejected. Despite the fact that my husband is a qualified tradesperson and my dad lived here. So we decided to leave the kids with my mother for a week, we flew over, and my husband picked up the Toronto Sun and looked through the newspaper to see who was hiring electricians and went door to door asking for a job. A Dutch guy was willing to take him on and was willing to deal with Immigration and wait another 6 months it took us to get approved to move over here.

How long did it take you to find a job that you liked in Canada?

I stayed at home with my children as they were young (3 1/2 & 5). However, I did work on and off in offices within a year of arriving here. Please remember this was 1989/1990 and jobs were a lot easier to find.

Did you find Canadian English different?

Being British English is my first language. However, there is a difference between British English and Canadian English, so even for us it wasn’t plain sailing; and even to this day when I say certain things, I may as well be speaking Chinese. The one word that most people, especially Italians have trouble understanding from me is the word, “butter.” I have no idea why, but I can’t say it the Canadian way which sounds more like “budder!” I don’t speak a word of French, although I may be able to figure out what someone is asking if they write it down. Also on my son’s Kindergarten record, he has a notation that says he has a speech impediment. You know what that is…….his British accent. The silly teacher found him difficult to understand so I figured he had a speech impediment, and as we were new to the country I didn’t try and fight it, I did suggest that it could be his accent. No way would I allow that to happen now!!

What was your biggest culture shock?

Well, we moved from a town of 2,500 to a city of 250,000, which has now grown to over 500,000 I would say that is a huge shock. Plus where we lived in Britain there was an Indian lady and the rest of the population was white. We moved to Brampton, Ontario and the majority of the population was from another country, so that too took a bit of getting used to. Then there was the way everyone went over the top at the holidays, and I don’t mean just Christmas, but Easter, Valentine’s Day, etc., etc. We weren’t used to that.

What hasn’t you gotten used to yet in Canada?

How everyone embraces the outdoors, especially Winter. Not a huge fan of trudging through a foot of snow. Hate the humidity in summer, and hate mosquitoes, black flies and all other flying biting bugs, that still love me despite the fact they have bitten me for the past 20 years!!

Did immigrating to Canada match your expectations?

Gill does not wish to answer this question.

Do you find life expensive in Canada compared to your home country?

No, in Britain everything is twice the price, other than vacations, they always seem to have great deals on vacations over there.

Will you apply for Canadian citizenship?

We applied for our Canadian Citizenship as soon as we could as we knew this was where we were going to live for the rest of our lives. We both wanted to have a say in how the country is run, and you can’t do this without voting.

What advice would you give to someone interested in immigrating to Canada?

It’s hard, you leave your family behind nine times out of ten. Granted they are only a phone call or email away, but it’s not the same as being a short drive away. We were lucky as we are British so had an easier time adapting to the country than a lot of people may have, as we speak the language. Things have changed a lot in the 20 years we have lived here, it’s a whole other ball game from when we moved over here. Be prepared to start from the bottom and work your way up the ladder. Things aren’t handed on a plate to you, you have to work hard to achieve the success. Would I do it again……not at my age, we were in our 20s when we arrived, and that is the right age, in my opinion. If you have children in this country, they have great opportunities if they work hard at school and keep out of trouble.

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  1. Beth April 10, 2010 at 8:40 am

    Have “met” Gill via our blogs via your blog – a lovely lady!
    .-= Beth´s last blog ..Of Sticks and Stones… =-.

  2. Sidney April 10, 2010 at 9:56 am

    That was a very interesting series…too bad good things have to end 🙁
    .-= Sidney´s last blog .. =-.

  3. micki April 10, 2010 at 12:14 pm

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful series. Immigrants life are challenging, tough, but very rewardable. I know lots of parents moved to other places for the better life of their children, and the outcomes could be good or could be worse. The process is very challenging, and I admire all of them very much!
    .-= micki´s last blog ..Yingge, the Ceramic Town =-.

  4. Seraphine April 11, 2010 at 2:34 am

    if the best time to immigrate is age 20, then i’m past my expiry. i’d still vote to have california join the canadian commonwealth though. it would probably be easier for me than me than going to canada.
    .-= Seraphine´s last blog ..In Deep Yogurt =-.

  5. Tanya April 11, 2010 at 9:29 am

    The last interviewee already?! I really enjoyed this series. It’s fascinating to hear the stories of people who have left home for a new place, what was difficult for them, what wasn’t, hearing their advice, etc.
    .-= Tanya´s last blog ..How to Make Your Kitchen a French Kitchen =-.

  6. Rémy April 12, 2010 at 12:07 pm

    Thank you very Zhu and all the people you interviewed. It was very intructive and enriching to read these different experiences.

  7. Max Coutinho May 14, 2010 at 11:35 am


    Delightful interview! It was nice to see the perspective of a Brit in Canada…

    About Gill’s son having an impaired speech: it was definitely the accent…silly teacher *nodding*.
    Teachers do the same here to immigrants’ kids: shocking.

    .-= Max Coutinho´s last blog ..The Impatience of Sarai… =-.


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