What’s more Canadian than hockey? And what’s more Canadian than going to play outside in subzero temperatures?
Last Saturday, Hockey Day in Canada took place throughout the country. You basically had two options: 1) the lazy option, which was to watch the tripleheader of NHL action featuring the six Canadian teams on TV 2) the brave option, which was to take your gear and go play hockey in the street.
In Ottawa, people hit the outdoor skating rinks, located in community centres and parks. The weather was beautiful (read, sunny) but it was also one of the coldest days of the year, with an average of -30C. In case you are not familiar with these kinds of temperature, I’d translate that to you as “cannot stand outside more than ten minutes without freezing to death.”
Enjoy these pictures of Canada’s beloved winter sport, I froze my fingers off to take them!
Surely, it’s not the only one. I think you guys are pretty good at curling!
I only knew that while I was in Scotland.
Curling is such an funny game, people gotta sweep in order to win?! Ha ha…
Do people curl in France? Ha ha… It’s less common in England.
Re: Beauty of Britain / 英国之美 / Keindahan Britain / 英国の美しさ
I’ve been to the Old Man of Storr in Isle of Skye. It’s really magical.
Yes, like your NZ descriptions!
Indeed, Scotland is very much like NZ. Minus the earthquakes!
Ireland is pretty much like it too. You have to see them yourself.
Re: Why is English language so important? / 为何英语如此重要? / Mengapakah Bahasa Inggeris begini penting? / どうして英語はそんなに大切ですか。
Falkland Islands? It’s complicated. We also have Gibraltar issue with the Spaniards. Hmm… Didn’t British give France tiny bit of land in St Helena? 😉
.-= London Caller´s last blog ..Gone fishing! / 钓鱼去咯!/ Pergi memancing! / 魚釣りに行っちゃいました! =-.
Oh I would have had soooo much fun photographing that! I don’t think I’ve even seen a hockey stick since I moved here! Footballs on the other hand…
Great photos!
.-= Breigh´s last blog ..International Film Festival Rotterdam =-.
People from Canada must love hockey to go to play it with 30ºC! I think that I can’t be there more than 2 minutes, in Spain there not that freezing temperature.
I like to say that you’ve got a very interesting blog, thank’s for it!
Sorry if I write a very bad english xD
See you.
I guess kids in Canada learn to skate at very young age…
.-= Khengsiong´s last blog ..也谈简繁体字 =-.
I love it; sport for all people, all age and for everyone to enjoy – kind if in a Norwegian way too you know 🙂
I do understand that -30C is quite cold. In Oslo today we had -15, but hey; you can be outside more than 10 minutes: Just look at the pics! 😆 it’s just a matter of dressing right you know (I guess you remember my saying? 😆 )
.-= RennyBA’s Terella´s last blog ..For Oslo Blog Gathering at Norway Travel Fair =-.
Hockey? Yes!!!
Playing hockey outside yesterday? No.
Shame on me…
.-= Beth´s last blog ..Ready (?), Set, Go… =-.
Option 3: you take pictures ! 😉
Great action pictures!
.-= Sidney´s last blog .. =-.
The “running on ice” picture is my favorite one.. very funny, especially you subtitled with ” for when you don’t have skates!) Nice capture on both girls’ action! 🙂
.-= micki´s last blog ..Ping Si Railway Branch =-.
Re: Sichuan Opera Dance / 俏花旦 / Tarian Opera Sichuan / 俏花旦
That was my first time to see such dance as well!
Did you click the video below?
It’s performed by the same group of girls, but at elsewhere.
Re: Gone fishing! / 钓鱼去咯!/ Pergi memancing! / 魚釣りに行っちゃいました!
Ha ha… I guess you will get salmon instead of carp. 😉
.-= London Caller´s last blog ..Sichuan Opera Dance / 俏花旦 / Tarian Opera Sichuan / 俏花旦 =-.
Little goalie looks intimidating 🙂
.-= Seb´s last blog ..Supersonic Sharkie Jet =-.
@London Caller – No, people don’t play curling in France… I had never heard of the sport till I moved to Canada! And it’s not that big in Ontario either actually.
@Breigh – I was a lot of fun. I don’t get to see too many people play hockey, although you do always spot a few people back from a game, carrying a stick in the bus.
@RennyBA’s Terella – It was a struggle though! We drove to different places in the city to take the pictures and I wouldn’t have been able to stay long at each location, especially the ones by the river because it got so windy. -15C I can handle 🙂
@Adrian – Thank you! I don’t know how they did it… I was so cold just taking the pictures!
@Khengsiong – Yes, especially in Ottawa because we have free outdoors staking rink.
@Beth – You just have some common sense – it was very cold!
@Sidney – Thank you 🙂
@micki – I loved these two girls, they were so funny!
@London Caller –
@Seb – You bet he does – Canadian goalie are trained to look mean 😆
aww. i love the little goalie.
.-= Seraphine´s last blog ..Metta Metta =-.
@Seraphine – Me too, he took his role very seriously!