Mark, 2019
By Mark, 2019

I bet I’ve never mentioned that Mark’s real father is a superhero and that my other child is a world-famous YouTuber.

Yes, this is our family in a parallel universe described to second graders at recess. Unfortunately for Mark, an unlikely character stepped into the fun fantasy world where most of the action takes place—mommy.

My codename is “killjoy” in the multiverse.

Last week, Mark’s school held the “annual meet the teacher BBQ” (sic). Parents aren’t actually introduced to the teacher BBQ—hyphens comes in handy, people. However, we’re encouraged to buy cans of soda, hot dogs and burgers from the food truck parked in the schoolyard and maybe pop into our child’s classroom where a tired teacher is trying her best to handle the constant flow of parents who want to be told everything they need to know in five minutes or less. I don’t understand why the school doesn’t set up a thirty-minute conference for the whole class, it would be much easier—oh right, it’s a marketing ploy to trick us into buying food.

So Mark, Feng and I were waiting to chat with teacher #1 (he has three teachers this year) when a kid came up to me.

“Mark’s mom… where is Mark’s dad?”

Once I digested the awkward phrasing—“Mark’s mom… oh, right, that would be me”—I pointed to Feng who was looking at the artwork displayed on the hallway walls.

“This is Mark’s dad.”

“Huh. Are you sure?”

I could have taken offence but the kid was six so I just assured him that yes, I was 100% sure he was Mark’s dad. Eh, who am I to judge? Maybe he was on a mission to find candidates for his parents’ paternity testing centre.

Then another kid asked me for “Mark’s dad.” That’s when I should have smelled something fishy but it was finally our turn to meet the teacher so I forgot about Feng’s surprising popularity in Grade 2.

A few days later, I bumped into my favourite neighbour (not her!) and her son in the street. He is in Mark’s class this year.

“Mark’s mom… is it true that Mark has another dad?”

“But you know Mark’s dad!” my neighbour protested. “You saw him last week at school!”

“But I mean his other dad. Like, the real one, the one with a mask over his face.”

“This is definitely Mark’s one and only dad. I think he lied to you.”

“Mark’s mom…—”

“Just call me Juliette. My name is Juliette. Look, it says ‘Juliette’ on my wallet.”

“I can’t read cursive. Is Guava Juice Mark’s brother?”


“YouTuber,” my neighbour sighed. “Damn YouTube. I hate YouTube.”

“Mark doesn’t have a brother. Okay, I think I’m gonna go home and have a little chat with him…”

And so I did.

“Mark, you can’t lie to your friends! This is just stupid.”

“But I have to! Otherwise, they don’t want to be my friend. I can’t just like… PLAY ALONE!”

“You know what’s gonna happen? They will find out you’re lying and then they really won’t be your friend. What don’t you share real stuff with them? I mean, your life is interesting. Your dad is Chinese, your mom is French, you’ve been to France, China, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Chile, you’ve swam in two oceans, you…”

I didn’t know what to add. I mean, Mark is a cool kid to me but frankly, I have no idea what makes a kid “cool.” Seldom I have heard a temperature being associated to my name—I’m not “cool” and I’m certainly not “hot.”

“… you saw an elephant!”

“Mom, it’s not real.”

“Not the one in Nantes, in Santiago’s zoo. Never mind, you were young, you probably don’t remember. You can ride your trottinette like a pro!”

“They don’t believe me.”

Little shits. “I have pictures! Okay… You could tell your friends about… cool Chinese stuff. Like the mooncake festival. Fireworks! Chinese New Year fireworks! That’s cool, isn’t it?”

Clearly, I have no idea what six- and seven-year-old kids find cool. Or rather, I’m afraid I do—Fortnite, guns, scary movies. Parents who save the world and fight villains at night.

I reviewed possible coolness factors. Mark can make coffee. His grandparents let him watch The Exorcist. I let him watch It. He partied at the Rio Carnival twice. He took planes, boats and trains. Eh, I’m a semi-famous blogger!

Okay, probably stuff he shouldn’t brag about at school.

Any chance I could get a side job as a firefighter or a cop for coolness factor? Like, a really part-time position… I can probably be available for a couple of hours every… ahem, few weeks.

Oh, never mind.

“Mark, the point is, don’t lie. They will find out and be hurt. Now if they ask you again about your famous brother or your heroic dad, just admit you were joking and move on.”

“Did you tell my friend I lied?”


“What did he say?”

“He laughed, started to climb a tree and his mom yelled at him. And that was it. I mean, it’s not a huge deal right now. It’s the beginning of the school year. Just stop telling lies, okay?”

“… Mom? Do you think my friend was lying when he said he was at least ten years old?”

“Is he in your class?”


“Then yes, he was lying. He’s six, at most seven. By the way, what’s daddy-the-superhero’s superpower?”

“Oh… he’s invisible.”

Of course. Genius.


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  1. Cara September 23, 2019 at 10:41 am

    Haha, love it. He’s so cute 😉

    1. Zhu September 24, 2019 at 1:39 am

      In hindsight, it’s cute. Still, NO LIES AT SCHOOL, please!

  2. Shandara September 23, 2019 at 11:29 am

    Invisible man… that’s perfect! Je pense qu’on s’est tous inventés des super héros à cet âge-là 🙂

    1. Zhu September 24, 2019 at 1:39 am

      En plus c’est vraiment la mode Marvel en ce moment!

  3. Martin Penwald September 23, 2019 at 2:07 pm

    So, what’s his career path? Politician or clergyman?

    1. Zhu September 24, 2019 at 1:40 am

      I’m teaching him to Tweet and positioning him for the US 2020 elections.

      1. Ernestine September 29, 2019 at 11:35 pm

        😀 hehe He’ll surely be a valid contestant.

  4. Aylyon September 24, 2019 at 12:28 am

    😀 😀 😀

    Mark is so smart and so funny!
    Invisible dad 😀 😀 😀

    1. Zhu September 24, 2019 at 1:40 am

      At least, it somehow made sense.

  5. Lexie September 24, 2019 at 2:40 pm

    He ‘s cute but I can feel his loneless, I’ve always felt hard to find the interesting «me» for others. I mean, you do know you are able to do a bunch of amazing stuff, but it’s not like the others always care or find it cool. B. struggles to find her place to know, and personally I hate the fact she seems to see the world only throughout one of her friends, despite the fact she plays every day with different ones.

    1. Zhu September 25, 2019 at 3:42 am

      I’m keeping an eye on potential more serious issues (and I read your own struggles with some aspects of parenting or our kids’ personalities!) but I think this is just a case of “let’s see what I can get away with”.

      Funny anecdote, I let him read the post about him lying (without telling me what I had written about) and he starting seeing things differently. And now he wants to read ALL the articles (huh… maybe not…)

  6. Lexie September 24, 2019 at 2:40 pm

    loneliness sorry

  7. Lynn September 25, 2019 at 9:34 am

    Hilarious. Also, I feel strongly that having seen The Exorcist and It is mega awesome coolness points.

    1. Zhu September 27, 2019 at 2:26 am

      Among kids, yes. Among the school staff… maybe not 😆

  8. Isa October 21, 2019 at 10:24 am

    Aaaaw poor Mark. I feel sorry for him if he feels obligated to lie to be cool.

    1. Zhu October 21, 2019 at 8:54 pm

      Well, to be honest, I think he enjoyed bragging. I find it hilarious that kids don’t believe he can use a trottinette but daddy being a superhero is just accepted 😆

  9. I Say Oui October 29, 2019 at 6:52 pm

    Teacher BBQ ha ha ha!

    Your conversations with kids are so funny.

    Mark’s childhood is so cool– the fact that he’s travelled so many places around the world with you guys.

    1. Zhu October 30, 2019 at 10:56 pm

      This is a highly quotable stage. You *think* you’re having a regular conversation then suddenly, it shows that the person you’re talking to is only 7 😆


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