I think I finally found where Ottawa’s rebel youth is going to smoke pot and to talk about overpowering the government—at least, I like to think that if there is such a place, that’s where it is. Phew. I feel slightly relieved: at times, pretty Ottawa can seem a tad too polished and clean.

Not so far from Parliament Hill, the Prince of Wales bridge is an old rail bridge that joins Ontario to Québec. As rail transport eventually diminished during the 20th century, it was abandoned. There are always talks of using it for a rail project that would connect to the existing O-Train but so far, the bridge remains unused.

I often drive on the Ottawa River Parkway and keep on noticing this old bridge. Eventually, we decided to go have a look. It is officially closed to the public but the door was open and frankly, I couldn’t care less about “danger” signs when I want to take pictures.

Urban decay is something I find fascinating—blame my French artistic upbringing. On top of having nice lines to use for photography, I love the colourful and somewhat witty graffiti on the pillars of the bridge. This place had a soul.

Bridge Entrance

Spider Web

By The Water

Terrasse de la Chaudière

Across the Fence

Eat the Rich

Prince of Wales

Wise Advice

The Bridge


What Ya say?

Train Tracks



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  1. micki May 15, 2010 at 2:20 pm

    I like old bridges which has lots of stories behind.. If I were there, I would have gone in to take photos too! 🙂
    .-= micki´s last blog ..Cow Parade in Taipei, 2009 =-.

  2. DianeCA May 15, 2010 at 3:39 pm

    Very nice stuff. Truly worth sneaking in. I love the spider web, and the lines are interesting in the photos of the bridges. I like fences too. Took some nice shots with frost on them in the winter time.
    .-= DianeCA´s last blog ..No 17th of May without the marching band! =-.

  3. Gledwood May 15, 2010 at 5:24 pm

    That bridge is beautiful!… I have a real thing about rail… I do. I love trains, love travelling by train… the whole shebang. I was surprised when you mentioned a downturn in rail travel last century… then again I suppose you’re on a different continent. Here, especially since idiotic privatization in the 90s or whenever it was, the railways are full to bursting. If it got any worse we’d have lines of trains, bibbing klaxons…
    … you must have noticed the difference in France. There the trains are amazing, even the non-TGV ones. I went interrailing from Wales through France and Spain to Morrocco. I’ve also ridden the train in India and I can vouch French trains were by far the best (followed, surprisingly by India ~ the Chennai-Bangalore express in 2001 was amazing, like a space shuttel)… how weird being able to walk up the bridge like that. When I was little we went hiking through disused railway tunnels with our Mum and Dad. I’ll never forget being in the pitch black for over an hour and that tiny pinpoint of light… bigger and bigger…
    Sorry I digress. Nice post ;->…

    ps what do you think about the ospca killing all those poor defeinceless animals?
    .-= Gledwood´s last blog ..In memoriam: Sago =-.

  4. Tulsa Gentleman May 15, 2010 at 6:38 pm

    I like old bridges. They look different from different angles and time of day. Interesting that rail travel is on the increase in France and elsewhere. Rail makes a lot of sense. Unfortunately in the US it has been done in by the auto industry. With a few exceptions passenger rail service here is a dead duck.
    .-= Tulsa Gentleman´s last blog ..Monochrome Reflections – Williams Center Plaza =-.

  5. London Caller May 15, 2010 at 8:42 pm

    Very interesting framing technique!
    I can also see the way you played with “perspective”. 🙂

    One of the photography guides that I read mentioned about having a bottle of water spray in your bag.
    So you can spray the water to flowers, spider webs, etc. to make them look more attractive!
    Ha ha… I think I should follow this guide!

    Can you picture the spider web (2nd photo) dotted with water droplets?
    Against the sun, they’re like pearl necklace! Ha ha:)
    .-= London Caller´s last blog ..Beckenham Place Park / 贝肯纳姆家公园 / Taman Rumah Beckenham / ベックナム·プレース·パーク =-.

  6. Seraphine May 16, 2010 at 1:00 am

    i love your pics of the railroad bridge.
    and i admire your spirit of adventure. i hate fences and do not trespass signs. especially when there is something interesting to see.
    all is fair in the making of art.
    .-= Seraphine´s last blog ..Silly Goose =-.

  7. Paola May 16, 2010 at 4:26 am

    waw! lovely pictures! you are a very good photographer!
    kisses, paola

  8. Beth May 16, 2010 at 8:02 am

    Kudos to you for ignoring doors, warnings, etc. for the sake of art – wonderful & fascinating photos!
    .-= Beth´s last blog ..M.D. to Be… =-.

  9. Ghosty Kips May 16, 2010 at 8:31 am

    I certainly hope your youth isn’t conspiring against the government. Just hold up a picture of George W. and show them how bad it ‘could’ be. You’re invited to come to my pad and smoke pot if they find yourselves in a pinch, though. We know you’re too polite not to share.
    .-= Ghosty Kips´s last blog ..I Hate My Phone =-.

  10. Soleil May 16, 2010 at 3:27 pm

    I admit I’m kind of a scairdy cat and would have been nervous to walk on a bridge like that! Good for you!

    Is this all you have in Ottawa that counts as urban decay? Wow, come to Detroit. It’s mostly just depressing though, not a lot of soul.
    .-= Soleil´s last blog ..Sprung! =-.

  11. Angela May 16, 2010 at 4:10 pm

    Haha, I think it just shows how different our cultures are. You are relieved to find that there are people who want to overthrow the government and I think I would be um, less than amused. I remember when I first moved here and was horrified by all of the strikes (2005-when that boy was killed while being pursued by police). It is strange how similar and different our cultures are, non?

  12. Zhu May 17, 2010 at 10:04 am

    @micki – I’m sure you would have!

    @DianeCA – Oh yes, I took pictures of frozen fences last winter too! I liked this spider web, even though I’m not a huge spider fan.

    @Gledwood – I used to love traveling by train in France, but Canada and North America in general is all about cars or buses. Trains are so comfortable… and fast too! I miss them sometimes.

    @Tulsa Gentleman – Rail srevice in Canada isn’t great either. Just between Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal, it’s slow, doesn’t have a convenient schedule and it is expensive. That’s too bad.

    @London Caller – I heard that about the spraying water technique. Haven’t tried it though, I use real rain when needed 😆

    @Seraphine – Thank you! It’s not trespassing, it’s just… having a look? 😉

    @Paola – Thank you!

    @Beth – I do ackowledge warming though. Like sometimes, I take picture of the signs 😆

    @Ghosty Kips – I certainly hope they are conspiring against the gov’! Granted, Harper is no Bush but he is not quite a good leader either.

    @Soleil – Ottawa is a picturesque postcard-perfect kind of city so yes, not much urban decay. I heard about Detroit… while decay is interesting I think I’d rather live in Ottawa!

    @Angela – Funny, isn’t it? I guess I’m still French after all. I can’t let go of the idea that revolutions are a cool thing. Damn!

  13. Gitte May 17, 2010 at 3:02 pm

    ça me fait grand plaisir que tu me suives, ça encourage !
    J’aime beaucoup ton site ***
    .-= Gitte´s last blog ..Le monde merveilleux de Pablo Pares =-.

  14. Linguist-in-Waiting May 17, 2010 at 4:47 pm

    I always am fascinated by the photographs you take of random places that typically suggest decay and deterioration, but as you said, there is a certain aesthetic to it that you do well in bringing out!
    .-= Linguist-in-Waiting´s last blog ..Catatonia =-.

  15. Charles Dastodd May 17, 2010 at 9:38 pm

    terrific shots!!!! i really like the cobweb, and all the ones looking down the tracks are really nice!
    .-= Charles Dastodd´s last blog ..Paradise =-.

  16. seb May 29, 2010 at 4:52 pm

    Sweet! Old decaying structures are always intriguing, and I am a big fan of bridges and railroads as well.

    PS. I’m pouring all my earnings into porn investments. Nothing like listening to the word on the street.
    .-= seb´s last blog ..Eat your face. =-.


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