I’m very ashamed to admit that, for the past…er, eight years, pumpkin carving duty was often performed by my Chinese in-laws.
But this year, we decided to tackle the chore.
Cut me some slack, okay? Back in the days, October 31 was just a regular day in France—no pumpkin, no sugar-high kids, no candies.
So, here is how it works.
Take one massive pumpkin.
And… ta-da!

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Très magnifiques vos photos!
Ça doit être très salissant non ?
Quoiqu’il en soit je vais essayer.
C’est pas si terrible en fait! Mais l’intérieur de la citrouille est vraiment “goey” 😆
Putain, je viens de m’apercevoir que ce n’est pas M. Landru qui me parle, mais mon père. Toutes mes confuses. Je suis sûre que maman sera tout à fait d’accord pour que tu commence une série artistique “citrouille”.
Good Job there Zhu 😉 You know we have this mini version of pumpkin during Chinese New Year? After that, just for fun we attempted to carve it for fun too.
I didn’t know! We have mini-pumpkins too, usually people paint them.
You know, when you titled this as pumpkin massacre, the first thing I thought about are those pictures of vomiting pumpkins. Google them and you will know what I am talking about!
I had to Google it because I had never heard of it. Funky indeed! I excepted something really gross but I can take that 😆
must be a pain to empty the pumpkin flesh. i’ve never really seen big pumpkins like these here.
Well, it’s not that bad actually. The inside is really goey but it’s mostly seed. Not even close to be as dense as a watermelon for instance, pumpkins are already almost hollowed.
It looks pretty good, Zhu!!! There is no way I can get a pumpkin to look half decent. Luckily, I have a really good artist at home!!! 🙂
Happy Hallowe’en!!! I will be trick or treating at a hotel in Rapid City, South Dakota. 🙂
Okay, so if I hear a report of a man being arrested for trick-or-treating in Rapid City…. I know it’s you!
Hi Zhu,
Very nice pumpkin!!
I remember fondly years back (before Haloween became “chic” with the kids in France), D & I went to a “pumpkin festival in the Loiret department. We came back with a few small pumpkins, for making soup and one for carving.
Because my in-laws had NEVER seen a real jack-o-lantern carved up and with a candle. I carved up a simple one and put a candle in it to show them what we do on the 31 October. Because as you say, that is just an average day in France.
Are you going to hand out candy ? Have fun!
We are definitely going to hand out candies. Our area is very residential so tons of kids come by every year.
I had never seen a real jack-o-lanterm before I came to Canada!
Haha I love it!!!! I want to do that toooo…
Well, you could definitely start the trend in London!
I miss pumpkins and pumpkins soup and pumpkin pie and pumpkin seeds!
Pumpkin soup is great, I had some the other night. Pumpkin pie… not so much. Give me chocolate any day instead!
That’s a lovely attempt, Zhu ! I could not have done even half of that. Somehow, this festival has not come to India but my guess is that it’ll come in next 3-4 years.
Happy Hallowe’en!!! I am missing it. 🙁
Halloween didn’t exist either in France when I lived there. Which kind of make sense, I mean, it’s a North American tradition!
As good as any pumpkin I’ve ever carved!
Unfortunately, that’s not saying much! 😉
It’s easier than it seems in the way because the inside is so hollow. Maybe next year I’ll attempt some art!
“Ouchhh! It hurts!”, Pumpkin says. 😀
I swear I was gentle!
Yeah! I’m impressed! Hope you had a good Halloween!
For a first try it didn’t turn out that bad 🙂
Halloween is pumpkin holocaust day 🙁
Poor them! 😆