When you walk around the city a lot, you overhear conversations… including these puzzling, awkward and cringe-worthy moments!
The antonym of “classy”
A woman wearing shorts, tight boots and a somewhat trashy top talking to her friend:
“I’m trying to show my feminitiness (sic.), ya know. So, I told him to fuck off because he’s such a fucking asshole, I mean, no way his dick gets inside my pussy.”
Pointless clarification
Police blotter in the newspaper:
“The husband bashed his wife’s head with a faucet—the couple was renovating their house—and killed her.”
Can we get more cynical?
Two thirtysomethings behind me at the supermarket checkout line:
“So, what’s your new job, exactly?”
“Well, as a manager, I rationalize processes and downsize for more efficiency.”
“… Like, you fire people?”
“Yeah. I mean, they won’t mind in the long run. Their job was meaningless and alienating, anyway.”
A trust issue
At the Sunday market, two policemen stroll around the stalls, warning customers about potential pickpockets.
“Ma’am… MA’AM! You have to pay attention to your bag. Look, I touched it and you didn’t even react.”
“I’m scared of the police, I can deal with pickpockets. Leave me alone.”
Thinking under the influence
A guy in a bar, talking to his friend:
“I screwed up last night.”
“What happened?”
“I drank too much…”
“… we’ve all been there!”
“Nah, but I was so drunk I told her I loved her.”
“Oh, shit!”