When you walk around the city a lot, you overhear conversations… including these puzzling, awkward and cringe-worthy moments!

The antonym of “classy”

A woman wearing shorts, tight boots and a somewhat trashy top talking to her friend:

“I’m trying to show my feminitiness (sic.), ya know. So, I told him to fuck off because he’s such a fucking asshole, I mean, no way his dick gets inside my pussy.”

Pointless clarification

Police blotter in the newspaper:

“The husband bashed his wife’s head with a faucet—the couple was renovating their house—and killed her.”

Can we get more cynical?

Two thirtysomethings behind me at the supermarket checkout line:

“So, what’s your new job, exactly?”

“Well, as a manager, I rationalize processes and downsize for more efficiency.”

“… Like, you fire people?”

“Yeah. I mean, they won’t mind in the long run. Their job was meaningless and alienating, anyway.”

A trust issue

At the Sunday market, two policemen stroll around the stalls, warning customers about potential pickpockets.

“Ma’am… MA’AM! You have to pay attention to your bag. Look, I touched it and you didn’t even react.”

“I’m scared of the police, I can deal with pickpockets. Leave me alone.”

Thinking under the influence

A guy in a bar, talking to his friend:

“I screwed up last night.”

“What happened?”

“I drank too much…”

“… we’ve all been there!”

“Nah, but I was so drunk I told her I loved her.”

“Oh, shit!”

Along the Erdre
Along the Erdre, Pont de la Motte Rouge
Along the Erdre
Along the Erdre
Along the Erdre
Along the Erdre
Along the Erdre, Île de Versailles
Along the Erdre
Along the Erdre
Along the Erdre, quai de Versailles
Along the Erdre, Île de Versailles
Along the Erdre, Île de Versailles
Along the Erdre, Île de Versailles
Along the Erdre, pont de la Motte Rougee
Along the Erdre, pont de la Motte Rouge
Along the Erdre, pont de la Motte Rouge
Along the Erdre, pont de la Motte Rouge
Along the Erdre
Along the Erdre, pont de la Tortière

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