To claim that Canadians love winter would probably be pushing it a bit. In fact, if you survey people at this time of the year, most Canadians will tell you how tired they are of bitterly cold temperatures and that they wish they lived somewhere warmer.
But Canada is Canada, and yes, February is a cold month. So may as well try to make the most of it! That’s why I love Winterlude, our yearly winter carnival—it gets people excited about ice and snow.
On the opening day and despite the very chilly wind, Confederation Park and the nearby portion of the Rideau Canal were packed. Confederation Park always has a nice collection of ice sculptures—small ones around the fountain and bigger ones around the park. You can even see sculptors, wearing thick gloves, at work with chainsaws and other power tools. Unfortunately, the sculptures don’t last long When I came back a few days later, the ones around the fountain had melted under the sun!
Don’t even ask… of coursem I bought maple toffee, and of course, it melted on my frozen fingers as usual. I never learn.

Love the ice sculptures, it’s just too bad that they don’t last longer. I would have had a maple toffee do, they’re sooo good delicious!
Another maple toffee lover…yay!