A while ago, I Googled “how to keep your toddler busy”. Yes, I like Googling parenting questions—don’t we all want to “feel lucky?”
It turned out that, apparently, I am not the only mother wondering how to keep a toddler entertained all day. One of the suggestions, on a well-known parenting website, infuriated me:
You can complete your daily household chores with your little worker bee, who will enjoy emptying closets and playing with food. Put some flour, rice and cereals on a table and let him be the chef! Sure, he will make a mess but you can always clean up after him!
Uh… yes but no. As if I wasn’t busy enough! I mean, I don’t mind when Mark explores the world and I am fully prepared to clean up the mess but I can’t actually complete household chores with him. And I am certainly not going to encourage him to play with flour or rice—come on!
Now, I do encourage Mark to clean up after playtime and he is enjoying putting his toys away in the big empty diaper box.
He also likes to sort out the clean laundry with me. Well, he does it his way…

Oh le bon chouchou qui aide sa maman à plier le linge! 😉
Il manque encore un peu de pratique, quand même!
Aww cute 🙂 It took awhile for my niece to get not to throw all of the clean clothes on the floor, but her face was priceless because she thought she did a good job. SO tough to be mad when they “look” so innocent 😛
I know… Mark hates it when I don’t look happy with him. And he beams when I say “good job!”
Ha ha! Bless him! That is super cute! I love that you don’t care about putting your panties on you blog too 🙂 Silly Mark. Yes, toddlers are a nightmare!
Oh, my panties are not super exciting! I buy them from Calvin Klein (on sale) or La vie en rose (love them) 😉 Must be my French side, I’m not too shy about these kinds of thing.