If you don’t want to waste time in front of Judge Judy, here are a few programs worth watching to better understand Canada.
Browsing Category Practical Advice
I don’t know for you, but I tend to learn from experience… and from my mistakes. Maybe I can save you time!
This Is How I Finally Got My Christmas Shopping Done
“I haven’t even started my Christmas shopping,” a close friend of mine confessed over the phone. “I mean, when am I supposed to go?”
5 Things I Learned Working Out at the Gym This Fall
In Canada, exercising is considered a requirement of responsible adulthood, much like flossing, eating your food guide serving of veggies and getting enough sleep.
Fix or Replace? The Consumer Conundrum We All Face
We were anxiously waiting for the “fridge guys,” aka the repairmen who were about to assess the dead freezer compartment.
6 Problem-Solving Life Hacks (That I Should Have Tried Earlier)
Over the years, the North American experimenter attitude rubbed off on me. I don’t just give a Gallic shrug to new ideas or solution.
How to Buy a Winter Jacket in Canada (With Canadian Wisdom)
Article views: 1,513 I bought a new winter parka. Now, I suspect you legitimately don’t give a damn about my clothes, but don’t run away yet because I’m…