One by one, all the small businesses that were closed in August are reopening their doors after the traditional “grandes vacances” break. Supermarket aisles are full of “back to school” specials and kids crying to get Transformer pencil cases or La reine des neiges backpacks. Political stickers and posters are back as well, commuters are queuing at the TAN to get their monthly pass, and summer construction projects are being completed.

Over the summer, French news mostly focused on innocuous seasonal topics—the Olympic Games in Rio, beachgoers in France, fun or original holiday destinations, local festivals, weather-related news, etc. Tired brains were on holidays. Like a Christmas truce, July and August are two months when tacitly, everyone agrees it isn’t the best time to tackle sensitive issues.

But la rentrée is coming, I can feel it. In September, it will be business as usual again. In tonight’s news, Rio’s highlights were a two-minute story. Once again, social issues and political campaigns are in the spotlight.

It should be a busy fall with many Western countries tackling big issues. The UK is probably still dealing with the Brexit aftermath, while French politicians are still trying to convince citizens a labour code reform is the right move to make. Apparently, the Parti Socialiste isn’t winning the battle, protests are already scheduled for early September… And of course, the United States is deciding who will be leading the free world, while the rest of us hope that Donald Trump’s finger won’t be on the nuclear button.

Once again, I’ll be following the news more closely. I hope we make the best decisions—and by “we,” I mean us, citizens of the world.

Taking a break
Taking a break
Ice cream on a hot day in Bouffay
Ice cream on a hot day in Bouffay
Crêperie owner setting the tables for the dinner rush
Crêperie owner setting the tables for the dinner rush
Customer at Monoprix' bakery
Customer at Monoprix’ bakery
Man walking by a bank closed for renovations, the tag on the sign says "out of sight, out of mind"
Man walking by a bank closed for renovations, the tag on the sign says “out of sight, out of mind”
Visitors in an art exhibition
Visitors in an art exhibition
"The Moonlight"
“The Moonlight”
Guy with his toy scooter
Guy with his toy scooter
The beggar
The beggar
Shoppers choosing wine at the supermarket
Shoppers choosing wine at the supermarket
The guy at the park on a rainy day
The guy at the park on a rainy day
Lone passerby in Nantes' former industrial district
Lone passerby in Nantes’ former industrial district
The tourist train driver
The tourist train driver
A guy, a dog and a pigeon
A guy, a dog and a pigeon
Waiting at the train station
Waiting at the train station
A woman checking her phone by a French military patrol, deployed as part of the Vigipirate Plan against terrorism
A woman checking her phone by a French military patrol, deployed as part of the Vigipirate Plan against terrorism
Girl at the laundromat
Girl at the laundromat
Playing pétanque at the Domaine de la Garenne Lemot
Playing pétanque at the Domaine de la Garenne Lemot
Lawyer at the courthouse
Lawyer at the courthouse

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  1. Holly August 23, 2016 at 7:50 pm

    It is exactly the same in the UK – only they didn’t make the right decision.

    1. Zhu August 24, 2016 at 4:01 pm

      I feel sorry for the people who, I think, were mislead :-/

  2. Frenchie au Canada August 24, 2016 at 10:29 am

    Je ne suis pas prete du tout pour la rentree! C’est encore l’ete, il va continuer a faire beau et je fais l’autruche 😉

    1. Zhu August 24, 2016 at 4:03 pm

      Bah, on a l’été indien! 😉

      1. Martin Penwald August 24, 2016 at 10:22 pm

        mode=connard pédant

        L’été DES Indiens.


        1. Zhu August 25, 2016 at 4:15 pm

          Pas faux..!


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