One of the famous sights in Wuhan is the Yellow Crane Tower (黄鹤楼), on top of Snake Hill. The story goes, a crane danced on top of the tower and it inspired Cui Hao to write his poetry. The crane has long flown but the five-storey tower still offers amazing views of the Yangzi River, Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang.
Chinese cities are huge and very spread out. Just when you think you are finally in the city centre, you realize it’s just another suburb! The traffic never ceases to amaze me—streets are constantly jammed, and cars honk their way through, bumping into each other. I guess at least speeding isn’t an issue here!
Visited 38 times, 1 visit(s) today
Vraiment chouette cette “tour” (c’est pas un temple?) 🙂 Ce qui me frappe par contre c’est le brouillard… c’est de la pollution? :/ Le mari Français de ma copine Hongkongaise me disait que Hong Kong était “toujours” dans un nuage de pollution. Je vois que c’est pareil ailleurs en Chine, c’est dommage tout de même et on en vient qu’à comprendre les gens qui portent un masque à l’extérieur. Remarque, ce n’est pas ce qui me freinerait pour aller visiter la Chine! 😀
C’est un mix de brouillard et de pollution. On dirait qu’il va pleuvoir, mais non!
Cool pictures! I’m glad to see you and your family are really taking advantage of your time in China. Seems like there’s so much to do and see!
It’s a huge country! So many things to do… just people watching is fun!
Si les architectes écrivaient toujours des poèmes, la vie serait plus belle !
Bien dit!
Gosh, it looks so exotic – and you look so tanned! The tower is beautiful, I love the story behind it too!
Thank you!
I so much like the elegance of Chinese traditional art and architecture!
Coming from an Italian, it means a lot!