We were this close to being a pandemic-perfect family.

We’ve been monitoring the situation since we first heard about a virus spreading around in Wuhan. We followed public health advice and adjusted as general guidelines evolved. We’ve been washing hands more often and I’m so used to the six-feet-away-from-others rule that I accidentally backed off when Feng came to talk to me in the kitchen the other day.

We’ve been wearing masks indoors as required since July. Mark stayed home from the moment schools closed on March 13 to September 15. We haven’t stepped into a restaurant’s dining room since… well, last year, I suppose. Come to think of it, we haven’t been to the movie theatre either and I think they were open at one point last summer.

There are tons of things we didn’t do this year, either because we couldn’t or because it wasn’t worth the trouble or the risk. No one came over and I didn’t visit anyone—no play dates for Mark either, Feng and I are his only close contacts. I haven’t seen my in-law in a year even though they live in Ottawa. I gave up on going to the gym—in fact, I gave up on going to most indoor places even though it’s fucking cold outside.

Okay, Mark and I did travel to France this summer. But cases had hit an all-time low and I wanted to see my relatives while I could, especially after my papi passed away in April. We did get tested voluntarily before coming back to Canada and we quarantined so we didn’t bring back the European strain of the virus.

I don’t even know what’s allowed and what’s not anymore. I stopped keeping track early October because we just didn’t do anything. Feng was dropping off Mark at school and picking him up. The guys rarely left the house. I did, but to go for long walks to absolutely nowhere between two assignments.

Honestly, we did our best. No gatherings, no parties, no denying COVID is dangerous, no crazy conspiracy theories. Occasional frustration, yes. But we went with the flow.

Nice months of being responsible, all that to end up boarding flight AC90 to—

—don’t throw stones or aim better, you’ve just missed.

Oh, whatever.

I’m not gonna get an award for this move.

In fact, it’s so questionable I considered stopping this blog, but I’d miss writing so may as well be honest.

And also, we’ve already left, so too late for a lecture. Sorry, eh.  

Packing, Ottawa, December 16, 2020
Packing, Ottawa, December 16, 2020
Landing, December 18, 2020
Landing, December 18, 2020

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  1. Lexie December 23, 2020 at 10:49 am

    Be safe and enjoy the sun!

    1. Zhu December 24, 2020 at 12:44 am

      … il y a une justice dans ce bas-monde, il flotte 😆

  2. I Say Oui December 23, 2020 at 10:50 pm

    Bon voyage.

    I find your illustration fascinating. Is that the order you put things in? What do you bring a sleeping bag for?

    1. Zhu December 24, 2020 at 12:46 am

      I actually do the drawing for me, just to remember where everything is. I usually do, I follow the same pattern.

      Sleeping bag can be a blanket if it’s chilly (it can be occasionally). I don’t usually use it but it doesn’t tame much room, so…

  3. Christiane Hache January 2, 2021 at 4:32 pm

    Travel safe and be safe 🙂

    1. Zhu January 3, 2021 at 1:22 am

      Thank you and trying!

    1. Zhu January 4, 2021 at 9:22 pm

      Domnage d’être partis? Dommage de culpabiliser?

      À part appliquer les mesures que nous connaissons tous maintenant, et attendre notre tour pour le vaccin, je ne sais plus trop quuoi faire ni penser. Oui, idéalement rester à la maison. J’en suis désolée, j’en suis incapable pendant l’hiver, sans pouvoir sortir dehors à cause du temps.

  4. N January 8, 2021 at 9:00 pm

    You’re some sort of extreme snow-bird : you are not waiting for retirement to travel south for winter AND by south you mean SOUTH AMERICA, not only Florida ! 😆

    1. Zhu January 11, 2021 at 1:08 am

      😆 I’d rather be down there than in Florida!

      … and I have the feeling I’ll never be able to retire anyway, so…


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