I’m not that enthusiastic about the elephant anymore because I’ve seen it way too many times, but I did want to check out the spider.
Browsing Category France – Summer 2016
Our summer 2016 trip to France.
Fest Noz Breton Party at the Castle in Nantes
Breton culture is taken seriously in Nantes , and so are festoù-noz “(Breton for “night festival”), a fun way to celebrate the regional identity.
The “Brought You That From Canada” Gift-Giving Ceremony
I’m not sure when exactly I started to feel like one of those East India Company trading ships when traveling to France.
Flying Across the Atlantic With a Four Year Old (Do You Need to Pee?)
No one witnessed that perfect mother-and-son moment but I don’t care. It’s already stored into my forever-cool-moments-with-Mark database.
Landing in France (is Less Glamorous Than You’d Think)
Bienvenue en France. The destination may be considered “glamorous” but my first stop after landing isn’t—I need to go to the restroom.