Google is blocked in China, but I guess the local automatic translation service is as bad as Google Translation!

Here are a few “Chinglish” signs I took in Hubei and Hunan.

Cantion Danger
Cantion Danger
Mind the Gaps (I guess unlike in the UK Tube, there are several gaps?)
Mind the Gaps (I guess unlike in the UK Tube, there are several gaps?)
Ho Wife Pastry
Ho Wife Pastry
Sightseeing Battery Car
Sightseeing Battery Car
Intercourse, really?
Intercourse, really?
Passenger No Entry
Passenger No Entry
"The Aged"
“The Aged”
Squeeze, Squeeze!
Squeeze, Squeeze!
Don't Even Know Where To Start...
Don’t Even Know Where To Start…
Visited Direction
Visited Direction
The Road To Heaven
The Road To Heaven
Visited 124 times, 1 visit(s) today


  1. La Madame September 18, 2014 at 9:34 am

    Mouahahah! 😀

  2. I Say Oui September 18, 2014 at 3:20 pm

    Funny, they don’t have that squeeze sign in the Paris metro, yet people know to do it.

    1. Zhu September 22, 2014 at 10:00 am

      Oh yes, they do…


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