Most of my friends without kids commiserate on being stuck at home with a little one. But if there’s a good age for a first pandemic, well, it’s seven years old.
Browsing Category Raising a Canadian-Chinese-French Kid
Mark, our Canadian-Chinese-French baby, was born in Ottawa on October 12, 2012. These are our adventures as parents-in-training.
The Wizard’s Challenge for my 2nd Grader
Mark is chatty. When he starts talking about movies, bad guys and other favourite topics, you’re in for a monologue—he could write a longer The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire, 2nd Grader!
I bet I’ve never mentioned that Mark’s real father is a superhero and that my other child is a world-famous YouTuber.
An Eventless and Very Canadian Grade 2 Back-to-School Day
The first sure sign a new school year was going to start was the noticeable increase of pointless, irrelevant and often grammatically questionable emails we were receiving from Mark’s school.
Grade 1 Completed – By The Way, Did You Know That The Dog is a Bus?
Throughout the school year, shortly before 3 p.m., I would often receive short, cryptic emails from Mark’s school about a “delayed badger” or a “cancelled dog.”
These Waves of Primal, Overwhelming Love – Grade 1
That’s pretty much life with kids. When you least expect it, you get completely overwhelmed by love and a primal instinct to protect, hug, and kiss them.