Useful Resources for Newcomers to Canada

Looking for Canadian immigration info?

If you are looking for info on how to immigrate to Canada, start with the Immigration category for first-hand tips on how to settle in Canada, how to deal with immigration issues, etc.

The permanent residence in Canada category is dedicated to the immigration process.

To know more about Canada in general, browse the Canadian Life category and the articles tagged Life as an immigrant. Working in Canada is a good section to discover various aspects of Canadian workplaces.

The immigrant interviews category features questions and answers from 30 newcomers from all around the world.

You can also read my immigration story and see the timeline.

Looking for Canadian citizenship info?

For info on how to apply for Canadian citizenship, check out the road to Canadian citizenship.

You can read about my experience filling out the citizenship application, taking my citizenship exam in Ottawa and attending the oath ceremony.

Looking for a job in Canada?

For a first-hand experience as well as tips on the hiring process, work culture and more, check out the posts tagged Working in Canada.

Looking for info about Ottawa?

If you’re considering settling in Ottawa, you’ve come to the right place—this is where I have been living since I came to Canada! Check out the articles with the tag Ottawa.

Immigration resources and useful websites about Canada

The following is a list of external resources you may want to check out:

  • Immigrate to Canada: How you can immigrate to Canada, how to protect yourself from fraud and what to expect after you arrive in Canada, advice and info from the Government of Canada.
  • Prepare for life in Canada: Find a job, get your credentials assessed, improve your English and French, and find out what to expect when you get to Canada—financially, socially and culturally.
  • Culture of Canada: this Wikipedia page has a lot of articles related to all aspects of Canadian culture.
  • Reddit Canada: Canadian news.
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