Plan Your Next Move, June 2011, Ottawa

This blog changed a lot since I wrote the first post in 2006. I don’t spend as much time tweaking it as I did at first because it’s time-consuming and, at this stage, I’d rather focus on content. But I learned a lot over the past few years.

I started this blog from scratch and I think I made just about every single possible mistake because I didn’t know anything about blogging. Looking back at screenshots of my first blog, I cringe. I know better now.

Pick a good URL

My first URL on Blogger,, was a one-minute brainstorming session with myself. I was briefly proud of it and then spent a year hating it because it wasn’t memorable and didn’t say much about the content of the blog.

I picked a new domain name when I moved to WordPress. This time, I took it seriously. I settled on because the phrase meant something to me and there is a story behind it. Yes, I know, it’s Spanish and some people may not understand it at first but it’s a good conversation starter!

Tip: Picking a URL is like picking an email address—it may not feel like a major decision but it sticks.

Remove these stupid widgets!

Been there, and done that. Playing with HTML is fun and empowering at first. We’ve all been there, stacking cute and funny widgets in the sidebar or in the footer. But local time or temperatures, awards received, map of visitors, countdown to whatever, music player that starts automatically, etc., can be a real annoyance for visitors. It makes pages slow to load and most of these widgets are pretty useless.

Tip: Less is more, think hard and get rid of useless widgets. Draw attention on content instead.

Readability matters

If you want to be read, you have to make your blog readable. On my first Blogger site, the content box was light blue and the font was way too small. What was I thinking? Well, I wanted the design to be cool. It’s always best to keep the content area white and use black font (white font on a black background is a pet peeve of mine). Or, and paragraphs exist for a reason… please do hit the “enter” button once in a while!

Tip: Choose a legible font and please, ditch these handwriting fonts!

SEO does too

I’m not a SEO expert but I learned a few basics. For instance, give your image a title instead of using the default one, such as “D-1234.” Use a sitemap on your site (there are several plugins to do that with WordPress). Link your posts internally. Use “pretty URLs” such as myblog/this-post-is-great rather than myblog/p_25658.

Tip: You can check your global SEO ranking for free on Website Grader.

Who and why or the two basics

When I visit a new blog, I want to know who writes it and why. The About Me page is the one I click on first and it gives me a general idea of what to expect. If the page is entertaining, clear and well-written, I’m drawn to the blog and want to explore more.

Tip: Examples of great “About Me” pages can be found everywhere online, check your favourite bloggers for inspiration!

Tags and categories, too much is too much

The point of tags and categories is to help users navigate the website. I cringe when I see an endless list of tags only used once. What’s the point? Make sure you always spell your tags the same way too, otherwise, you will end up with duplicates, such “Funny stuff” “funny stuff” “funny Stuff”.

Tip: A great plugin for tag management is Simple Tags.

Keep up with updates

Plugins, themes and core platforms are usually updated once in a while for a reason: better usability, improved security, etc. Yes, upgrading to the latest version of WordPress is a chore because there is always the chance that something will go wrong. But you still have to do it and trust me, you will enjoy the results.

Tip: Backup your database regularly, with plugins such as WP-DB-Backup.

Don’t annoy your readers

Be nice to your readers because they can make or break a blog. While there are no guarantees that they will like your work, try at least to not annoy them. Don’t put too many intrusive ads and ban pop-up windows altogether. Please, stop using these annoying social media widgets that scream “share me on 20,000 websites!” If you write a sponsor post, disclose it. Basic courtesy towards your readers goes a long way.

Tip: More ads doesn’t mean more revenues. Analyze your click-through rate and take it from there.

Keep it simple

Not everyone is a fan of a minimalistic look but less is often more. Ultimately, readers want to see your work and that’s what you need to focus on. Very few people care about the funky colour of your links, the comment redesign that took you two days of work or the latest widgets. Make your work the centrepiece of your blog and keep the rest simple.

Tip: Ask readers for feedback when adding or removing major functions in your website.

Don’t hesitate to ask for technical help

I’m neither a designer nor a coder. Yet I often found myself skimming through pages of php code trying to fix a bug or to install a new function. I’m glad I didn’t pay someone to build my blog because I learned a lot through trial and error. But now, I know when to ask for help (and pay for it) and it makes a huge difference. For instance, I bought the theme I’m currently using and customized it myself. It is well built and it made a huge difference in terms of customizing and tweaking. Plus, I can use the great technical support when I screw up something!

Tip: Forums such as Digital Point are a great place to ask for help or find a qualified person to give you a hand.

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  1. Elisabeth Stewart October 1, 2011 at 4:49 pm

    My blog is so basic! And I’ve been away for so long I’ve forgotten some of the tech stuff I once knew. I’m terrified of making changes and inadvertently deleting the entire thing! But your post has given me some food for thought…

    1. Zhu October 1, 2011 at 11:10 pm

      Basic is okay too, you really don’t have to make it all fancy. Content is king! 😉

  2. Katherina October 1, 2011 at 5:22 pm

    Something that I find extremely annoying on some pages is that, as soon as you reach them, a pop up jumps asking you to subscribe to their feed – A POP UP!! I mean, I did read that you should always try to keep your subscription widget visible for your readers, but forcing them to close a pop up as soon as they reach your website is not the right way.
    Thanks for the mention by the way! 🙂

    1. Zhu October 1, 2011 at 11:09 pm

      I HATE pop-ups! I can’t remember ever subscribing after seeing one. Usually, they make me leave! Good point. I’m sure users who implement that mean well but it really puts me off as well.

  3. shionge October 2, 2011 at 7:27 am

    I’ve so much too share but sometime too little time. When I shared my true feelings that’s really just how I feel but wonder if others could take it.

    1. Zhu October 2, 2011 at 3:25 pm

      I know what you mean: blogging is about sharing experiences!

  4. Isa October 2, 2011 at 10:41 am

    I’m pretty happy with the look of mine right now, even if the template I used is a bit bugged… Well, it can’t be perfect, that’s the thing I learnt : I’ll never be 100% satisfied! 😀
    I like your url. Mine is from a song too. Maybe you’ll guess which one but it’s less obvious. Well, I really should update my “About me” page now you’ve made me think about it!

    1. Zhu October 2, 2011 at 3:21 pm

      I also like your URL because it fits perfectly with the content of your blog. Song? Mmm… I don’t see which one. Do share!

      I also feel that I will never be 100% satisfied but tweaking a blog takes so much time and energy, I’d rather focus on content.

        1. Zhu October 4, 2011 at 12:10 pm

          Ah, see, I didn’t think of that song! I saw Arcade Fire opening for U2 in 2005 I think.

  5. kyh October 4, 2011 at 12:48 pm

    mine leans towards minimalism with some tweaks. but still, i think the layout is still pretty clear and clean – a central focus on the contents flanked by sidebars. 😀

    1. Zhu October 6, 2011 at 10:01 am

      I like your blog design, it’s really clean yet original.

  6. Max Coutinho October 4, 2011 at 1:12 pm

    Hi Zhu,

    I have cleaned my blog from “stupid widgets” in a search to speed up page-load (with the assistance of a friend, who also blogs, who gave me some useful tips): when the pages take long to load, it is a bit of a nuisance.
    But what really annoys me, as a visitor, is the automatic music…such a turn off.

    “please do hit ‘enter’ button once in a while!”

    LOL you kill me.

    Excellent tips as always.


    1. Zhu October 6, 2011 at 10:02 am

      I absolutely hate when music starts playing as the page loads! This is one of the reasons why I always mute the sound on my laptop. Pet peeve #1 without a doubt!

  7. Neeraj October 5, 2011 at 6:57 pm

    good tips.. especially about url.

    1. Zhu October 6, 2011 at 10:05 am

      Yes, that’s something I learned very fast!

  8. Gerard ~ GQ trippin October 10, 2011 at 4:58 pm

    Well put. Very useful for newbie bloggers such as myself. =)

    1. Zhu October 10, 2011 at 9:25 pm

      I’m glad you find the article useful!


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