Granted, Mark doesn’t speak much French except “au revoir,” “merci,” “grand-maman,” “bonjour,” etc. It seems to understand it just fine, though (just don’t mention le manège, he knows exactly what I’m talking about).
Mark also developed a love for baguette and choco biscuits, he loves checking out clothing stores, and he plays at the Château and around fontaines…
Yes, we Frenchized the kid a bit.

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Camembert !
… Roquefort? 🙂
Yay, cheese battle!
Maroilles !
I win !
Pffff… trop injuste…
My friend’s daughter exclaims, « Un manège un manège un manège ! » every time she sees one.
We aren’t at this stage yet (phew?)
Hihi, à te lire je réalise que Michoco est parfaitement francisé ! Bonnes vacances, on est aussi en France jusqu’au 27 août.
Ça s’attrape, la France!
Ahhh Mark is so cute, he looks so happy!
Happy… in picture!
Little French baby! He is so adorable standing there with his top off in the crowd of people!
Parading around like a French…