The Office Essentials
Office Essentials

I have my own office. An office with a door, a desk, a com­puter, a phone, a white­board, and draw­ers. I also have a very cool mag­netic pass to get around, one with my pic­ture on it. I have a favourite lunch place and I hate Mon­day morn­ings. I got a new office job. I feel like a lucky girl.

I loved teach­ing. Yet, after four years, I decided it was time for a change. Teach­ing is drain­ing and doesn’t pay much, plus the school’s success was linked to its ability to get new contracts with government agencies—not easy in the mid­dle of the recession but for us, teachers, no new contracts = no work hours.

Teach­ing taught me a lot. I was 22 years old when I started and my stu­dents, all civil ser­vants, were usu­ally at least twice my age. I didn’t know much about Canada at the time and I knew even less about the gov­ern­ment, pol­i­tics or sec­ond lan­guage train­ing for that mat­ter. I learned as fast as I could because every morn­ing, I was fac­ing a class of exec­u­tives who, for the most part, would have prob­a­bly rather be swim­ming with sharks than learn­ing French. Being taken seri­ously, both because I was an immi­grant and a young woman, wasn’t easy. Trust me, I won’t ever be afraid to speak in pub­lic after this work experience.

Yet, I was ter­ri­fied dur­ing my first classes. At the time, I had very lit­tle work expe­ri­ence. I had worked briefly in France as a stu­dent and then as an intern in Hong Kong. After I arrived in Canada, I had a series of short-time con­tracts, usu­ally in the cus­tomer ser­vice indus­try. I had no idea what I truly wanted to do nor did I know what I was able to do. Uni­ver­sity in France doesn’t exactly pre­pare you for the real world.

I kept on telling myself I should find some­thing bet­ter but kept on post­pon­ing the job search ordeal. Mak­ing barely enough to sur­vive was good enough. I wasn’t picky—my gen­er­a­tion grew up with the fear of unem­ploy­ment and job insecurity.

One day, shortly after I got my per­ma­nent res­i­dent visa, the staffing agency I was work­ing with called me for an assign­ment. When I asked for more spe­cific infor­ma­tion about the job, the woman on the phone was very non­com­mit­tal. Being my usu­ally silly self, I wrote the address down and didn’t ask fur­ther ques­tions. The fol­low­ing morn­ing, I ended up in a ware­house and I learned my task con­sisted of stuff­ing envelopes. I was a fuck­ing human envelope stuffer and no a pro­duc­tive one, mind you. My hands were cold after a few hours and I kept on get­ting paper cuts. But I stood in the mid­dle of the cold hangar all day, fold­ing let­ters, open­ing envelope after envelope and stuffing them with—of all things!—firearms license appli­ca­tions. I was seething with frus­tra­tion. What the hell was I doing there? Wasn’t it any­thing else bet­ter I would be good at?

This was my wake-up call. At the end of the day, I used the manager’s phone to call the staffing agency and let them know I wouldn’t be com­ing in the fol­low­ing day. They didn’t sound sur­prised—it was a shitty job. That night, I spent sev­eral hours writ­ing a bet­ter resume and in the morn­ing I left home with as many copies I was able to print. It was Jan­u­ary and the weather was very cold. I started in one of Ottawa’s main street and dropped off my resumes at a few lan­guage schools. A cou­ple of hours, cold and tired, I went back home. By the time I got there, the first school I had dropped my resume at had already called back and wanted to see me for an inter­view. I was hired, open the spot and started the fol­low­ing day. I stayed there for almost four years. It was my first real job.

Look­ing back, it’s funny that I have never been for­mally trained for any of the posi­tions I had. This is a huge dif­fer­ence between France and Canada. In France, you need to have a degree match­ing exactly the job offer, oth­er­wise you have no chance. In Canada, being will­ing to learn and hav­ing the rel­e­vant skills from pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ences means more than a degree.

So, I’m back to the office cul­ture, which I only briefly expe­ri­ence when work­ing in Hong Kong. It is less crazy and the work is more intel­lec­tu­ally chal­leng­ing. So far so good!

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  1. Seb October 21, 2009 at 4:27 pm

    I’m keeping my fingers crossed that your office is nothing like the tv show. Or maybe, it would be more fun if it was like the tv show 🙂

    I’ve never really worked in an office environment, not a proper one, worked in small offices so it was different. Not too stressful and not boring… but I think it was a matter of plain luck!

    I hope the office work treats you well!
    .-= Seb´s last blog ..Fulfilling One’s Destiny =-.

  2. Bluefish October 21, 2009 at 5:39 pm

    Congratulations! May I ask what is your new job? I also have a similar watch as yours 😉

  3. Nigel Babu October 21, 2009 at 10:16 pm

    Your new job is that of a teacher rite? BTW, love your watch 😉

  4. Agnes October 21, 2009 at 10:25 pm

    I am so happy for you Zhu.

    p.s.: love your watch!

  5. Lizz October 21, 2009 at 11:06 pm

    That’s such an interesting entry! I’ve also had some of the oddest jobs before, and realized that I couldn’t stand not working in the field that I loved.

    I’m so happy you got a job that excites you now! 🙂
    .-= Lizz´s last blog ..(Back from Hiatus!) Flavors of Spain 2009 =-.

  6. Gean Oliveira October 22, 2009 at 10:03 am

    Hi there,

    Congratulations and I must say, well deserved. Are you going to work at the house of commons? 🙂

    Take care!

  7. Linguist-in-Waiting October 22, 2009 at 12:58 pm

    The “real world” is indeed a daunting place, and working can be a challenge sometimes, especially when one is not used to the environment. Sometimes I think that I have gone to graduate school because I wanted to escape the real world for a few more years, although I still like what I am currently doing.
    .-= Linguist-in-Waiting´s last blog ..Occupied =-.

  8. Beth October 22, 2009 at 3:42 pm

    I can see how that job would have been a wake-up call. That’s the sort of job I had when very young and with no experience.
    Glad you have found your niche – for now!
    .-= Beth´s last blog ..Uncensored… =-.

  9. Soleil October 22, 2009 at 9:50 pm

    Congrats on a real job that you enjoy!

    One image that I remember very strongly from the student protests a few years ago against the…. gosh I can’t even remember the name anymore, the CPE? Contract de premier emploi? Well, whatever it was, when they wanted to change the employment laws for young kids, and I remember seeing all these signs saying “Contre le precarite!” When you said “my generation grew up with the fear of unemployment and job insecurity” it made me think of that.
    .-= Soleil´s last blog ..Insurance companies are douchebags =-.

  10. Zhu October 22, 2009 at 11:11 pm

    @Seb – My office isn’t boring, that’s for sure. Well, I think I needed a change anyway so anything but teaching is great!

    @Bluefish – The picture says it all 😉

    @Nigel Babu – My new job has nothing to do with teaching — thanks God!

    @Agnes – Thank you! The watch is a present from my mum for my last birthday. I love it!

    @Lizz – I guess it is important to like your work — after all, we spend many hours there. What was your oddest job?

    @Gean Oliveira – Yes, I am an employee at the House of Common. At least, that’s what it says on my paycheque 😉

    @Linguist-in-Waiting – I was very scared of working after university (or even during). Not sure why when I look back… my lack of experience scared me and I didn’t know what I was good at. It gets better.

    @Beth – And looking back, it was the best wake-up call ever! I needed it.

    @Soleil – It must have been the CPE, although I had already left France so I’m not sure — so many strikes and protests lately! Yes, I feel sad for my friends and my parents who are struggling to just find a job, let alone a job they like.

  11. Nigel Babu October 22, 2009 at 11:52 pm

    Correction to my earlier post. When you talk about new job, you are actually talking about how you got your current job.. rite?
    .-= Nigel Babu´s last blog ..Pushing 150 kg =-.

  12. Nigel Babu October 22, 2009 at 11:53 pm

    Okay, now I get it. So now you moved out of teaching. So congrats and all the best!!!!
    .-= Nigel Babu´s last blog ..Pushing 150 kg =-.

  13. LEon October 22, 2009 at 11:55 pm

    I am sure all these experiences make you more determine to know and get what you want in your life.
    .-= LEon´s last blog ..Mcdonalds Monopoly Singapore =-.

  14. Seraphine October 23, 2009 at 12:36 am

    i love your stories zhu. and it’s interesting how you compare everything in canada to your life in france.
    and you’re right, university doesn’t prepare you for the real world, in a sense. but too, university does teach you how to adapt and how to think beyond your basic needs. it gives you the tools- but you still have to find the best use (for you) of those tools.
    and i’m proud of you, because you figured out what you wanted and you found a way to get it. and life changes, and you’ve changed.
    congrats on your new job. woot!
    .-= Seraphine´s last blog ..Avoiding the Crash Wall =-.

  15. Baoru October 27, 2009 at 9:45 am

    I saw this quote in a memo pad–

    To teach is to touch lives forever.

  16. Zhu October 31, 2009 at 6:00 pm

    @Nigel Babu – That’s it! No more teaching for me, for now 😉

    @LEon – They do. It’s also trial and learning!

    @Seraphine – I think figuring out what I wanted was the toughest part. Outside the jobs everybody knows (lawyer, doctor etc.) there are thousands of jobs that are not necessarily advertised but are great!

    @Baoru – I felt that too and I hope I gave something to my students.

  17. Priyank November 12, 2009 at 11:00 pm

    Oh that’s awesome development! Congratulations. But must be difficult to manage with university right? I am going to go to a staffing agency, there is no way I am able to find a job… :((
    .-= Priyank´s last blog ..Linguistic delights of Toronto =-.

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