Funny how in Ottawa, the days leading to the summer solstice echo the days leading to the winter solstice—think eerily empty streets, extreme weather, and people looking forward to celebrating something.
It’s June and it’s already unofficially summer—remember, we don’t do spring around here, it’s either cold or hot. Unlike in December, there’s no snow on the ground but the city is unusually quiet and there’s a summer holiday vibe as if grownups got two months off like school-aged kids.
How else would you know it’s June? Well, it’s easy. This is the month when you’re bound to spot the following…
Iced drinks
Every single fast-food or coffee chain comes up with iced or frozen drinks. North Americans love sugar and ice so it’s always a winning combination. From Tim Hortons Iced Capp to Mcdonalds’ Frappé, you can’t miss the in-your-face summer drinks ads.

Empty… emptier city
Either people really don’t have any money left or cottage season has started—parking lots and supermarkets are so empty it reminds me of the pandemic circa 2020-2021.
Work has been quiet lately as well. I’m wrapping up a big project and then… nothing, for the first time in months. Relaxing or worrying? Not sure yet.
Cottage talks
The cottage is this mysterious place where many born-and-bred Canadians spend their long weekends from Victoria Day in May to Thanksgiving (basically, when there’s no snow on the ground).
I’m not sure what a cottage looks like because I’ve never been invited to one but as far as I know, the “cabin” or “chalet” is often close to a lake, in the forest, and in the middle of nowhere, which I find funny because unless you live downtown Toronto, chances are you can step into the wilderness a five-minute drive from home.
Higher gas prices
According to the experts, it’s not greed at all, silly you. Apparently, warm weather requires a special additive… and demand is higher as well because it’s road-trip season.

Extreme weather, summer edition
Snowstorms, ice rain and freezing rain are taking a break. Now, it’s time for severe thunderstorms and tornadoes!
It can get very hot and humid in Ottawa. As much as I love hot weather, I find it exhausting here because houses are built to trap the heat and there’s not enough shade outside.

Parking lots gatherings
Where do you go when you have nowhere to go in suburbia? To the nearest parking lot!
When the sun is hot, a big group brings foldable camping chairs and a cooler, and they all hang out in front of the Tim Hortons at the end of the street. The Wendy’s on Merivale seems to host a nightly biker gathering, and I’m pretty sure corporate didn’t approve it. Even the movie theatre parking lot on Carling is often packed with people who aren’t going to see a movie.
It’s a way to reinvent urban spaces and a unique way to socialize.
Skunk smell
Skunk or your neighbours getting high? Probably a skunk. You’ll get used to the rotten egg scent, it’s a summer classic. Just pray you’ll never run over one, they can ruin a car and your sense of smell!
US (and occasionally Mexico) license plates
Word got around that temperatures were above 10°C in Canada, so our southern neighbours take road trips to the true North strong and free.
You’ll spot many plates from California and Florida, as well as a few from Mexico. Yes, it’s a long drive—probably Canadian snowbirds, actually.

Construction everywhere
Canada takes a beating during winter. When the snow finally melts, construction notices start—roads are being resurfaced, sidewalks are being fixed, and the city is covered with orange and black construction cones and signs.
In residential neighbourhoods, it’s also time to repave driveways and repair roofs.

Cars with a canoe strapped on top
I call them the “Canadian transformers.” During cottage season (or at least, I hope they are going there!), you’ll see SUVs with a canoe strapped to the roof. It’s normal. It’s… Canadian.

What makes June special in your corner of the world?
Unconventional opinion I don’t get cottages. I have gone to one once and it was fine. It reminds me of a house in a forest like in the horror movies.
I can’t stop laughing. IT’S EXACTLY THAT!