Dandelions are pretty flowers, aren’t they? No?

Homeowners don’t seem to think so. Yellow polka-dotted lawns are unsightly, someone somehow decided somewhere. So grass is cut and dandelions are weeded out. They don’t even have the chance to end up in a salad, they are just thrown into giant Canadian Tire yard waste bags and hauled far, far away from suburbia, like a troubled teen sent to rehab.
I like dandelions. I like wild flowers.

After a long winter and white snowy landscape, I’m even a fan of blackberry bushes and stinging nettles. Anything but ice and snow, really.

Spring took everyone by surprise. Suddenly, trees are green again, pollen coats driveways and wild flowers grow along sidewalks. I wanted to take a few pictures before the City of Ottawa sends landscapers and before homeowners fill the tank of their lawnmower…

I root for the underdog. And wild things.

Little Ant
Little Ant
Spring Flowers
Spring Flowers
Spring Flowers
Spring Flowers
Spring Flowers
Spring Flowers
Wood and Leaves
Wood and Leaves
Wild Flower
Wild Flower
Lost Feathers
Lost Feathers
Spring Flowers
Spring Flowers
The Farm
The Farm
Cut Flowers
Cut Flowers

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  1. Gagan May 16, 2015 at 1:52 am

    I am scared of all these flowers, the make pollen 🙁

    1. Zhu May 16, 2015 at 10:01 pm

      It is an issue here. Many many Canadians have allergies in the spring, especially because it’s so… sudden! You get tons of pollen for a couple of weeks.

  2. Christiane May 16, 2015 at 6:12 am

    Would it be too naive of me to admit that i didn’t know the yellow flowers on my lawn were dandelions? I think they are pretty but i never knew how to reuse them except in flower pots.

    1. Zhu May 16, 2015 at 10:03 pm


      … I had to Google the name! You’re not the only one sister!


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