After a workout, Ottawa, November 2017

You’d be surprised how fit people are in Ottawa. Despite the European stereotype of North Americans as overweight, burger-eating, SUV drivers, you’ll probably find more fitness enthusiasts on this side of the Atlantic Ocean. Yet, Canada isn’t a mecca for the cult of the beach-ready body. Rather, exercising is considered a requirement of responsible adulthood, much like flossing, eating your food guide serving of veggies and getting enough sleep.

In Ottawa, running seems to be the most popular activity, probably followed by yoga judging by the number of studios around. Then come a long list of membership-based fitness centres, ranging from barebones gyms with cardio and strength equipment to huge facilities with pools, classes and personal trainers. Goodlife Fitness, Movati, Planet Fitness, Fit4Less, the YMCA, community centres, Anytime Fitness all compete for members.

I joined the YMCA when I first came to Canada. It didn’t take me long to realize I hated working out on machines and that it wasn’t fun to stay at the YMCA. I cancelled my membership and focused on other cool aspects of life in Canada, like Tim Hortons cookies. Seven years later, I signed up for hot yoga classes and discovered I enjoyed my biweekly practice. Eventually, several of my co-workers joined me, which was both fun and wonderfully awkward because I saw tattoos in places I wouldn’t have suspected. I was 35 weeks pregnant when I did my last downward dog and I think yoga did help when I pushed Mark out of me a few days later.

When we came back from France in late August, I decided to join a gym again. Not the YMCA, not my former yoga studio, but a brand-new facility, a twenty-minute walk from home. This is what I learned in three and a half months.

Find the right gym, the right price, the right schedule and the right vibe

Ottawa is a morning city but I’m not a morning person—I’m not taking a boot camp class at 6 a.m. I don’t want a personal trainer. I hate gyms that only disclose membership fees after you take the tour, give out all your info and listen to a pushy sales pitch. I’m sure that location across the city is great but realistically, I’m not going to stick to an exercise routine if the gym a forty-minute drive from home.

There are many options and business models, find one that fits your needs. Ask around for recommendations and take reviews with a grain of salt—between corporate shills and disgruntled ex-members, you’ll hear praise and horror stories.

Moral of the story… pick a location close to work/home and make sure classes that fit your schedule. Make going to the gym convenient and fun.

You may come for something and end up somewhere else  

I had left the fitness world in a savasana and I stepped back into it in downward dog. But I didn’t like yoga as much as I remembered. The group was a bit cliquey, the instructor not engaging enough. I was looking for a workout, not a lifestyle. So, I tried other classes. Zumba was a disaster, or rather a reminder that I have no coordination between my arms and legs. Spinning was cool but I hated the dance/techno music mix. Yogalate was slow torture.

At the end of the first week, I ended up in a power barbell class, not quite sure what a barbell was. You should have seen the look on my face when I was instructed to set up my bench and load my weights! Thirty minutes later, I was sweating and I was having fun. I had never worked with weights before but I found it relaxing and rewarding. After this experience, I started looking beyond familiar workouts. I love “boot camp circuit” type of classes, interval training where you move from station to station and alternate between cardio and strength exercises for a full-body workout.

Moral of the story… try something new. You might like it.

We all have different strengths and weaknesses

If you observe a group of people working out, you’ll notice that a few can lift weights effortlessly while others have no issue with core exercise or cardio—but I have yet to see anyone able to go through every step smoothly.

It’s interesting to find your strengths and your weakness. Obviously, you’ll want to challenge yourself but it’s also comforting to realize you have strong legs, good balance, flexibility, etc.

Moral of the story… no one is completely out of shape. You’re probably stronger than you think.

No matter who you are, you will fit in

You’ll find at the gym the same people you’ve just passed in the street. Old, young, men, women, white, black, Hispanic, Asian, thin, fat, fit, disabled… Note that many gyms have women’s only studios and that it’s perfectly fine wear modest workout clothes and a hijab or turban!

At the beginning of each new class, I went to see the instructor: “I’m new and I have no idea what I’m doing,” I admitted. The feeling didn’t last long. After a couple of classes, I learned the lingo and most of the exercises.

Don’t forget that you can be fit at any size. Gym members aren’t a bunch of super-slim, super-attractive people, just regular folks.

Moral of the story… most people are way too busy focusing on their own workout to pay attention to you.

Positive changes and results come surprisingly fast

I can’t claim I lost weight but I noticed new muscles where I didn’t know I had muscles. I’m less tense. Completing a workout is rewarding. I know how to stretch properly. I feel more balanced working out parts of my body I neglect—I walk a lot, but I don’t spontaneously do crunches or pushups…

Exercising is also good for my mental health. I work alone, so I enjoy joining a group of people in a non-competitive environment and being told what to do for an hour. It’s a complete break from the rest of the day when I have to make decisions and be in charge.

Moral of the story… absolutely no one regrets having a toner, leaner body—you have nothing to lose.

So if you were brainstorming your New Year’s resolutions, here is my advice—do give the gym a try!

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  1. Lexie November 30, 2017 at 5:05 pm

    C’est drôle, je me suis fait la même réflexion que ton point 4 ce midi même. On était 5 pour mon cours de Pilates et vraiment tous des regular folks. Pas spécialement musclés, aucune superstar et tous focusés sur la réalisation de l’exercice. Pretty cool !

    1. Zhu December 1, 2017 at 1:23 am

      Pareil ici! Je trouvent ça vraiment relaxant et agréable de voir toutes sortes de gens se pointer pour un moment d’exercice comme ça, sans se prendre la tête.

      Est-ce que tu as commencé l’exercice en salle ici ou c’est quelque chose que tu faisais en France? Sportive ou non?

  2. Martin Penwald November 30, 2017 at 7:55 pm

    J’suis fatigué juste à te lire. Tiens, je vais reprendre des frites.

    1. Zhu December 1, 2017 at 1:24 am

      Oh, le chti avec ses frites!

      Je vais me faire une crêpe, tiens.

  3. Aylyon December 1, 2017 at 9:13 am

    Ah ben moi j’ai jamais pu m’y faire aux salles de sport.
    Pourtant j’y allait régulièrement en France.
    À 6h, c’était toujours vide à part un type qui venait tous les matins, mais je suis toujours mal à l’aise de faire du sport entourée de gens.
    Même l’aquagym qu’à la base j’aime beaucoup, le fait d’être en groupe m’a vraiment déplu.
    Je crois que je préfère vraiment le plein air toute seule ou rester tranquille chez moi 🙂

    1. Zhu December 1, 2017 at 8:27 pm

      Tiens c’est marrant, parce que j’ai l’impression que c’est plus rare de fréquenter une salle de sport en France!

      Je dirais qu’ici c’est pareil, il y a des heures très calmes.

  4. Frenchie au Canada December 4, 2017 at 4:59 pm

    Well you know I love going to the gym and pumping iron 🙂 I go through phases with classes, but yes usually most people are there to focus on their own workout, and most of us don’t look like super models 😉 Cute bra! Wish I could get away with wearing some like that

    1. Zhu December 6, 2017 at 1:16 am

      Ah, bought the bra at Winners! TMI moment, I never actually wear a bra… so last-minute purchase just for the gym!

      I thought of you SO many times while exercising. I think you were part of the inspiration 😉

      1. Frenchie au Canada December 7, 2017 at 5:40 pm

        Ha glad to have helped 😉
        TMI moment, I can’t go out without a bra haha I guess that’s what happen when you’re bigger than a C cup 😛
        We had a whole ongoing convo with one of my friend about how much more convenient it is to have a small chest especially for sporty pursuits! My first good sports bra changed my life

        1. Zhu December 7, 2017 at 11:53 pm

          Puis c’est cher, les soutifs, quoi! C’est chiant à laver, aussi.

          Bon, je dis ça, mais c’est quand même sympa une belle poitrine. Disons qu’on tire parti du corps qu’on a!

  5. Diane December 5, 2017 at 2:06 am

    Love this! So happy you tried some new classes! I miss the North American fitness scene so much (probably in my top 3 things I miss the most). My French gym leaves a LOT to be desired. But I make it work. 😉

    1. Zhu December 6, 2017 at 1:21 am

      I find this is a really cool North American practice, exercising mindfully. French like to make fun of America and the fast-food culture, but they forget the part where half of the country is super fit!


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