Few things get me excited like the sound of a closing zipper—not only it’s satisfying, but I associate it with packing, therefore going places. It’s not just a weird sound fetish, it’s what it entails.

Except when I’m packing to go home. Suddenly, I’m not that excited.

I should be. I’m looking forward to seeing Feng, this part is exciting.

As for the rest… Ottawa is way too familiar, nothing changed, and we’re facing the same pandemic uncertainties. For the second year, we’re all realizing that the virus isn’t vanishing during summer and no one seems to have any idea what fall is going to look like.

Can’t be worse than last year when we had no vaccine, right?

Yeah, but at the same time last year we had something to look forward to—a vaccine. Now, most of us did the best they could getting vaccinated as instructed, yet apparently we need a third dose, more time, more patience, more “flattening the curve.” News still revolve around COVID cases, except probably in Afghanistan and a few other places on earth where there are more pressing matters to deal with and epidemiologists aren’t being interviewed every hour.

Mark asked me about Halloween yesterday. I shrugged. “No idea. Could go either way, like whatever kids are at school anyway… or holy shit, unvaccinated zombies going door to door!”

There are many aspects of life in Canada I’m not comfortable with right now—the upcoming elections, the fact the border is closed (except to Americans, who in turn closed their border to Canadians, go figure), the lack of consistent nationwide decisions regarding how to deal with the pandemic.

We were lucky, we had a good summer. Now it’s time to go back… and jump unto the unknown, once again.

Passerelle Victor-Schoelcher, Nantes
Passerelle Victor-Schoelcher, Nantes
Quai François Mitterrand, Nantes
Quai François Mitterrand, Nantes
Grue Titan Grise, Quai des Antilles, Nantes
Grue Titan Grise, Quai des Antilles, Nantes
Navibus across the Loire River to Chantenay, Nantes
Navibus across the Loire River to Chantenay, Nantes
Navibus across the Loire River to Chantenay, Nantes
Navibus across the Loire River to Chantenay, Nantes
Navibus across the Loire River to Chantenay, Nantes
Navibus across the Loire River to Chantenay, Nantes
Navibus across the Loire River to Chantenay, Nantes
Navibus across the Loire River to Chantenay, Nantes
Navibus across the Loire River to Chantenay, Nantes
Navibus across the Loire River to Chantenay, Nantes
Quai des Antilles, Nantes
Quai des Antilles, Nantes
La grue jaune, Île de Nantes
La grue jaune, Île de Nantes
La grue jaune, Île de Nantes
La grue jaune, Île de Nantes
La grue jaune, Île de Nantes
La grue jaune, Île de Nantes

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  1. Kiky August 28, 2021 at 8:12 pm

    Ah, i feel the grief reading this. On one of your French Summer trips, when it was time to go back to Canada, you left your parent house early in the morning without looking back, I actualy was in tears :-/ . I (almost) never live far away from my parent, after my mom death, i live with my daddy.

    1. Zhu August 29, 2021 at 1:21 am

      It’s always tough to leave, it just doesn’t go away. I have to compartimentalize somehow.

  2. Christiane August 31, 2021 at 12:43 pm

    Welcome back to the unknown!

    1. Zhu September 1, 2021 at 7:12 pm

      Thank you!

      How are you doing these days?

      1. Christiane September 21, 2021 at 12:10 pm

        I’m doing ok. Slowly recovering from burnout. We have to catch up now that you are back 🙂

        1. Zhu September 21, 2021 at 3:58 pm

          Ugh, sorry to hear that. Yes, it should be easier now with kids at school!

  3. Isa September 14, 2021 at 9:34 am

    Long time no see! 🙂 As you said, back to the great unknown. I feel like it’s easier than last fall, though, because I can see a tiny light at the end of the tunnel. That said, the light is tiny and I’m still in the tunnel. I’m looking forward to planning stuff, anything!

    1. Zhu September 15, 2021 at 1:59 am

      I feel more confident than last fall, for sure. But at the back of my mind I know everything can change so fast…


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